2015 Lest We Forget 'Poppy' Counterstamp $2 Coin

Although not a ‘C’ Minted coin, as our pictured coloured $2 coins support; this 2015 Lest We Forget $2 coin does come with a Poppy Counterstamp at the centre. What is a Counterstamp you may be wondering? The Royal Australian Mint has three varieties of official coin die alterations. These are:
The Counterstamp - An additional mark or symbol punched onto a coin after it has been produced.
The Mintmark - A letter or symbol, indicating the mint of origin.
The Privymark – A special mark of differentiation on the design of a coin.
The 2015 Lest We Forget $2 coin was counterstamped at the RAM by their mobile press, which was onsite at The Mint from Friday the 9th October 2015 to Sunday the 11th October 2015.
On the 7th of October 2015 the RAM announced in a media release “This weekend, the final Floriade weekend, the Royal Australian Mint will be moving its mobile press out into the spring air and counterstamping a poppy symbol onto the much sought-after 2015 $2 Circulating Lest We Forget Coin.
For only $10, you can finally get your hands on this coin which will have a special mark that makes it even more exclusive then the first one - a poppy counterstamp, symbolic of remembrance and the poppies found in Flanders Field.
Limits may apply and offer is not available through the Contact Centre, eShop or Mint Coin Shop. You can only buy this coin by coming to the Mint on the above days.
For those of you unable to make the trip to Canberra, we still have special spring surprise for you! For a limited time only, you can buy a pack of five 2015 $2 Circulating Lest We Forget Coin (with no counterstamp) at face value - $10 plus postage and handling fee. One pack per order.”
The 2015 Lest We Forget ANZAC $2 coin commemorates 100 years since the Anzac Cove landings during World War I. Inspired by the poppy, the distinctive and powerful red coloured print is encapsulated by the solemn words ‘Lest We Forget’ and 3 crosses embedded in a ring of poppies; designed by Royal Australian Mint sculptor Aleksandra Stokic.
The circulating type of this fourth coloured coin released by The Mint is one you would be very hard pressed to find in circulation, let alone in uncirculated condition. Because these were so quickly picked up and hoarded away by both collectors and non-collectors on release, they can be considered a special edition to any collection and a great investment.
The 2015 – 2016 Annual Report indicates that 15’000 2015 Lest We Forget Poppy Counterstamp $2 coins, and 66’000 of the coloured circulating coins were produced. By adding the coin's 2014 – 2015 annual report figures we can determine a total of 1’466’000 2015 Lest We Forget circulating $2 coins were produced.
Release: 2015
Mintage: 15’000
2018 – 2019 - Indices Define the Counterstamp, Mintmark, and Privymark (Glossary): https://www.ramint.gov.au/sites/default/files/annual_report_2018-19.pdf
RAM Media Release 07/10/2015: Lest We Forget coin available from the Mint this weekend https://www.ramint.gov.au/news-media/news/lest-we-forget-coin-available-mint-weekend
Annual Reports
2014 – 2015: https://www.ramint.gov.au/sites/default/files/2014-15_annualreport_final_0.pdf#page=1
2015 – 2016: https://www.ramint.gov.au/sites/default/files/annual_report/RAMint-AR1516-AccPDF_web.pdf
Last Updated: 20/10/2021
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